Palestinian Israeli internet star declares Israel as his home

In a passionate post, Nas Daily wrote: 'I only have one home, even if I’m not Jewish: Israel.'

Nuseir Yassin who gained millions of followers through his travel videos

Arab-Israeli internet star Nuseir Yassin, who is known by his 60 million social media fans on Nas Daily took to Twitter yesterday to announce his allegiance to Israel.

In a passionate post shared by 11.9K, Yassin wrote under his handle

Personal Thoughts: (not for everyone, feel free to skip) For the longest time, I struggled with my identity. A Palestinian kid born inside Israel. Like…wtf.

Many of my friends refuse to this day to say the word “Israel” and call themselves “Palestinian” only. But since I was 12, that did not make sense to me. So I decided to mix the two and become a “Palestinian-Israeli” I thought this term reflected who I was. Palestinian first. Israeli second. But after recent events, I started to think. And think. And think. And then my thoughts turned to anger.

I realised that if Israel were to be “invaded” like that again, we would not be safe. To a terrorist invading Israel, all citizens are targets. 900 Israelis died so far. More than 40 of them are Arabs. Killed by other Arabs. And even 2 Thai people died too. And I do not want to live under a Palestinian government. Which means I only have one home, even if I’m not Jewish: Israel.

That’s where all my family lives. That’s where I grew up. That’s the country I want to see continue to exist so I can exist. Palestine should exist too as an independent state. And I hope to see the country thrive and become less extreme and more prosperous. I love Palestine and have invested in Palestine. But it’s not my home. So from today forward, I view myself as an “Israeli-Palestinian”. Israeli first. Palestinian second. Sometimes it takes a shock like this to see so clearly.

The responses – to his post were largely positive – with one follower @Emily Schrader writing ‘ Israel is lucky to have citizens like you’. But there were also replies which included such comments as ‘If u identified as Muslim u wouldn’t have posted that. No loss to be honest. You are a disgrace to your bloodline.’

The post attracted almost 6,000 comments last night.

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