GENEuary: Participation urged for Jewish genetic disorders awareness month

JNetics’ 2022’s initiative includes a series of events, such as a session about the BRCA gene and a talk with the S&P Sephardi Community’s Rabbi Joseph Dweck,

Genetics testing

The community is urged to participate in a Jewish genetic disorders awareness month.

JNetics’ 2022’s ‘GENEuary’ campaign launched this week, encouraging people to be screened for conditions that can be life shortening, incurable or debilitating for future offspring.

A series of events are being held, including a session about the BRCA gene, a talk with the S&P Sephardi Community’s Rabbi Joseph Dweck, and an event with Screen, encouraging genetic testing.

Nicole Gordon of Jnetics said the charity recently “moved from testing for nine to 47 conditions, now spanning across the Sephardi and Mizrachi communities as well as the Ashkenazi”, adding that while Tay Sachs is the most widely known, there are others that are just as severe.


Jnetics events

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