Petition to conserve Schindler’s List Nazi torture house

Property developers want to turn Amon Goth’s villa in Plaszow Concentration Camp into a luxury complex

A petition to conserve the famous Nazi torture house portrayed in Steven Spielberg’s film Schindler’s List is close to reaching its target of 1,000 signatures.

Property developers are aiming to turn Amon Goth’s villa in the Plaszow Concentration Camp into a luxury villa complex, but heritage campaigners say they are hoping to turn it into a recognised site of Holocaust Memory instead.

By Monday morning, the electronic petition had reached 936 votes, as the petition’s originators said the building work would “destroy important history from one of the last remaining buildings of the camp”.

They added: “The new owner has overturned a decades-long precedent for visitors to access the villa, and wants to make a torture basement where Jewish women were imprisoned into a wine cellar.”

London student Saul Kurer said: “This house represents a time in the past all humans should learn from and the notion it should be used as luxury is quite frankly horrifying.”

Heritage group JRoots has taken thousands of people to Krakow to visit the historic site, and is petitioning the Krakow City Council to ensure that the villa occupied by Nazi Concentration Camp Commander Amon Goth be recognised as a part of the new Plaszow Museum site.

“We are requesting that a plaque be attached to the property and that groups continue to be allowed to visit this important site of heritage,” it said.

Sign the petition here

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