‘Pick a Sticker’ campaign takes charity back to its roots

Gathering stickers for charity

A Jewish children’s charity established after the World War II has gone back to its roots this Chanukah, with children using a sticker card to collect donations for children in need.

The ‘Pick a Sticker’ campaign, first launched in 1947, was given a boost this week by Jewish Child’s Day.

Children have been asked to collect at least £1 from 25 friends or relatives in exchange for a sticker. When they get 25 stickers, their sticker card is complete.

“We’re going back to the roots of the charity and how it all started,” said organisers, explaining that completed sticker cards are sent back and entered into a prize draw.

Prizes include Cirque du Soleil tickets or a Circus Experience Workshop.

To obtain a sticker card call 020 8446 8804 or email melanie.klass@jcd.uk.com

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