Prayer services to be held for people with disabilities

Finchley Reform will hold special prayer services to cater for those with physical and learning constraints

Rabbi Miriam Berger

Finchley Reform Synagogue has said it will hold special prayer services for Jews with physical and learning disabilities during the High Holy Days.

The services for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, called Shabbat B’Yachad (inclusive), will use “symbol-supported siddurim, a visual schedule and sensory expressions” together with lots of music to aid participation.

Susan Dawson said her 21-year old son Ben, who now lives independently, had always responded to the rhythm and cadence of the Hebrew prayer, adding that the “natural acceptance of the rest of the community and their full engagement” would make it “welcoming and uplifting”.

Rabbi Miriam Berger of FRS said: “I hope that families who have previously felt that a family member couldn’t join them in shul because of the constraints of wheelchairs or unpredictable behaviours will feel that this is an environment they can relax in.”

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