Rabbi Lord Sacks’ latest book to launch at free event next month

Jewish News has partnered with LSJS to celebrate the late great author and leader's life, while inaugurating his new work completed before his untimely death

Rabbi Lord Sacks

A free event launching the latest book by the late Rabbi Lord Sacks will take place next month.

Jewish News has partnered with the London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) to inaugurate the his latest work, completed before his untimely death earlier this month, entitled “Judaism’s Life Changing Ideas”.

Taking place on Sunday 20 December from 8-9.30pm, the celebration of his life and work will feature guest speakers including S&P Senior Rabbi Joseph Dweck, Rabbi Dr Raphael Zarum of LSJS, Dr Tamra Wright and Gila Fine.

Rabbi Sacks had a long association with LSJS having trained to be a rabbi at the college, before becoming a lecturer, and Principal in 1984. As Chief Rabbi he served as its president, and taught regularly, delivering his most recent talk a week before Rosh Hashanah.

Following his death, which led to an outpouring of heartfelt tributes from across the community and around the globe, Rabbi Zarum wrote for Jewish News “in tears” at his teacher’s passing.

He said Rabbi Lord Sacks “made the world see that Torah was on a par with any contemporary philosophy or ideology, that our faith had something to say in the court of great ideas and deep truths. He enabled us to hold our heads up high and be proud to be modern Jews.

During the even guests can purchase his latest book at a reduced price. You can book via www.lsjs.ac.uk

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