Rabbi Sacks launches video series on the Shoah’s ethical and spiritual dilemmas

Working in partnership with the Holocaust Educational Trust, the former chief rabbi discusses issues such as humanity, punishment, hope and forgiveness ahead of Yom HaShoah

Rabbi Lord Sacks

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks’ series of new videos examining the Holocaust’s most ethical and spiritual questions is being launched today to coincide with Yom HaShoah.

Working in partnership with the Holocaust Educational Trust (HET) and launched on the day for Holocaust remembrance in the Jewish calendar, the former chief rabbi discusses ten issues such as humanity, punishment, hope and forgiveness.

Organisers said the aim of the videos was for them to be an educational resource, with content offering Sacks’ perspective on the subjects, additional historical background and information, and a set of discussion questions.

The Shoah “will always be one of humanity’s darkest periods,” said Sacks. “Faith, particularly after the Holocaust, is not certainty. It is the courage to live with uncertainty; not knowing all the answers but finding the strength to ask the questions.”

HET boss Karen Pollock said: “Learning about the Holocaust raises what seems like unanswerable questions… about faith, God, humanity and how seemingly normal people can do extraordinarily evil things are asked over and over again.”

She added: “This series of videos with Rabbi Lord Sacks confronts these dilemmas and helps us grapple with these complex issues.”


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