Rabbi Schochet appointed patron of anti-Extremist groups Faith Matters


‘|Promoting Dialogue|Reducing Conflict|Challenging Hate|Countering Extremism|’

by Stephen Oryszczuk

Rabbi Yitzchak Schochet of Mill Hill shul has been appointed patron of the interfaith, anti-extremist organisation Faith Matters.

Rabbi Schochet

Schochet, who answers readers’ questions in his ‘Ask the Rabbi’ column for Jewish News, last week sparked a fierce debate about freedom of speech after he said the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists in France had “sinned against society”.

A spokesman said Schochet’s appointment to Faith Matters, which was founded ten years ago to support interfaith relations, would “provide input from Jewish communities directly into the heard of the organisation.”

Director of Faith Matters, Fiyaz Mughal, said: “We warmly welcome Rabbi Schochet onto the Patron’s board.” 

He added: “Given that the Home Secretary stated that without Jews, Muslims and other faiths, Britain would not be Britain, we can only but congratulate her on her statement. Britain is a multi-faith and tolerant nation, though we must constantly remain vigilant against those who promote, fear, division and mistrust.”

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