Religious leaders welcome new Islamic centre

Representatives from Muslim, Christian and Jewish faiths say they condemn the hostile response to opening a mosque

Golders Green Hippodrome, which has now become a mosque and Islamic centre

More than two dozen religious leaders in Barnet representing the Muslim, Christian and Jewish faiths have written to welcome the new Islamic Centre at Golders Green Hippodrome.

The 27 clergy and faith leaders, including eight rabbis, say they are grateful that the clerics of Markaz El Tathgheef El Eslami have already offered to host the interfaith group at the former Hippodrome building.

Some Jewish community members launched a petition against the new Islamic centre but others have said they will welcome their Muslim neighbours.

This week, the group of Jewish, Christian and Muslim religious leaders said they “unanimously deplored and condemned the hostile and, at times, racist response to the new Islamic Centre’s opening”.

They added: “It is our firm conviction that those that attend the Centre are as entitled to suitable and sufficient facilities as are enjoyed by all other faiths in Barnet, including Golders Green. We are sure the new Islamic community will contribute, with us, to the neighbourhood’s character, harmony and safety.”

Signatories include Rabbi Dov Kaplan of Hampstead Garden Suburb Synagogue, Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence of Finchley United Synagogue, Rabbis Josh Levy and Mark Goldsmith of Alyth Synagogue, Rabbi Judith Levitt, Rabbi Rebecca Birk of Finchley Progressive Synagogue, Rabbi Sam Fromson of Golders Green United Synagogue and Rabbi Steven Katz of Edgware and Hendon Reform Synagogue.

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