Roundup of world Jewish news

From assassinating the North Korean president to the world’s biggest kosher sandwich, we bring you the latest in Jewish news from around the world – dated 10 June.


Organisers of a Jewish festival in Budapest are trying to set a world record for the tallest kosher sandwich. The Judafest street party will witness the record attempt, which needs to be at least 7-foot tall. The tallest non-kosher sandwich was made in 2007 in India and measured 50 feet.

United States

Hundreds of pages have been recovered from the long-lost diary of influential Nazi aide Alfred Rosenberg. Over 400 retrieved pages purportedly detail Rosenberg’s meetings with Hitler where they planned for the mass killing after Jews after the German occupation of the Soviet Union.


A top Brussels diplomat said that Israel’s settlement activity has increased support for labelling settlement goods within Europe. Andreas Reinicke, an EU special envoy, added: “It is difficult to explain to Europeans why increased settlement activities mean an increase of security for Israel.”


Sydney police say they now have four suspects in the 1982 bombings of the Israeli consulate and a Jewish social and sports club, which injured two people. The ‘cold’ case was reopened last year with a reward. Police say further evidence is needed before the suspects can be arrested.

North Korea

Actors Seth Rogen and James Franco are to star in a new comedy about two journalists who go to North Korea to kill the president. Producer Evan Goldberg explained the plot, saying Rogen and Franco are recruited by the CIA once they land an interview with Kim Jong-un.

Hong Kong

Four students have become the first to graduate from a Jewish school association in Hong Kong, after it was founded as a playgroup for a dozen toddlers back in 1991. The Carmel School Association added a primary and a middle school in the late 90’s, with ElsaHigh School opening in 2009.

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