Scottish man: I was fired for wearing Magen David

Edinburgh native Jonathan McKean-Litewski on a recent trip to Jerusalem

A 26-year old man from Edinburgh has claimed he was fired for refusing to remove his Magen David pendent.

Jonathan McKean-Litewski says he was repeatedly asked to stop wearing the Star of David accessory at Old Town Context, a shop selling interior design features described as “retro and vintage”.

McKean-Litewski (pictured), who said he had recently decided to become more religiously observant, told the Times of Israel that he was dismissed on Tuesday.

He says that his manager, Joyce Boal, “just laughed” at him when he recently asked to wear a yarmulke after sunset on Friday, and that there was an anti-Semitic motive behind his dismissal.

According to McKean-Litewski, Boal said she participated in a pro-Palestinian protest, describing it as “a marvelous experience,” with “a carnival atmosphere” and that it “felt good to belong to something that’s going to make a difference”.

He is now working with the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities (SCoJeC) in reporting the incident, which may fall under Scotland’s race hate laws.

Old Town Context could not be reached for comment.

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