Scottish uni criticised for Jackie Walker event on ‘Israel’s black ops’

The Union of Jewish Students chastises the Scottish university for approving the event

The flier on a lamppost on the Dundee University campus

The Union of Jewish Students has chastised Dundee University for hosting a talk by left-wing campaigner Jackie Walker in which she discusses “Israel’s black ops”.

Walker, a former vice-chair of pressure group Momentum, was due to speak in Dundee on Wednesday night as part of a tour of Scotland, with other engagements in an Edinburgh church, an Aberdeen theatre and a Glasgow union office.

A spokeswoman for UJS said: “It is unacceptable that Dundee University have approved a speaker who has been suspended by the Labour Party for her recent anti-Semitic comments. The university should not, in any circumstances, be providing a platform for someone who remains under investigation by the Party.”

Her talk, titled ‘Palestine, Free Speech and Israel’s black ops,’ has been promoted by the Scottish branches of the Palestine Solidarity Campaign as “an important meeting for all anti-racists, free speech and human rights supporters, particularly due to Israeli embassy attempts to ‘take down’ elected representatives here in the UK”.

The flier on a lamppost on the Dundee University campus (Credit: Elad Katz)
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