“Scumbag Israeli property developers” targeted at anti-Gentrification protest

The anti-Gentrification protest, tweeted by Twitter user Jamie Osman

by Stephen Oryszczuk

Left-wingers and anarchists brandishing ‘class war’ banners marched through the East End on Saturday, after saying they were targeting “scumbag Israeli property developers” and others for making the capital “unrecognisable”.

The anti-gentrification march saw cafe windows painted and police officers attacked and injured, with one person arrested. 

Protesters were urged to “reclaim your streets” from “Russian oligarchs, Saudi sheiks, Israeli scumbag property developers, Texan oil-money tw*ts and our own home-grown Eton toffs,” who were blamed for forcing working-class Londoners from their homes.

The anti-Gentrification protest, tweeted by Twitter user Jamie Osman

In April, Westminster City Council ordered Tel Aviv-based developers to rebuild an historic Maida Vale pub which they had demolished in order to build flats, despite being denied permission to tear the building down only months earlier.

Elsewhere Israeli billionaire Teddy Sagi recently became one of London’s biggest landlords, after buying Camden Market. The iconic stalls, which attract millions of visitors every year, may now give way to a modern mixed-use site comprising offices, hotels, cinemas and even a start-up hub.

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