Seven activists suing Labour over leaked antisemitism report to be named

Claimants lawyer Jonathan Turner asks High Court to continue banning the publication of the identities of two more individuals because of concerns for their safety

Seven of nine individuals seeking compensation from Labour for distress after their details were circulated in a leaked report on its antisemitism scandal have, “with misgivings”, agreed to be named, the High Court has heard.

But lawyers representing the litigants have asked the High Court to continue banning the publication of the identities of two claimants in the lawsuit because of alleged concerns for their safety.

At a High Court anonymity application, heard in front of Mr Justice Chamberlain,  Jonathan Turner, counsel for the nine complainants,  confirmed the seven “have agreed with misgivings” that the anonymity order “shall not be continued as regards their names because of the risk they may be ruined through the defendant’s solicitor’s aggressive pursuit of a large costs order against them.”

It had emerged that eight of the nine claimants were involved with the Labour Against Antisemitism grassroots campaign group prior to bringing claim, which Anya Proops KC, for Labour meant they  had  “put their heads firmly above the parapet” through their public involvement in activism before the leak of the report.

Labour said they had also raised concerns about the scale of insurance cover for the nine claimants as they pursued an anonymity order.

Both sides raised further concerns over each other’s conduct since the claim was launched.

But Labour and the and the ex-employees lawyers do not oppose the continued anonymity for the two individuals adding they were both “neutral” on the application.

The nine individuals have sued for up to £300,000 in damages, but costs have ballooned.

Labour and the five ex-employees both submitted £2 million cost budgets, according to the claimants’ counsel.

High Court Judge Martin Chamberlain reserved his judgment on the anonymity application for the pair.

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