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TalentEducators launches in the UK

New initiative supports Jewish teachers!

With schools closed, it’s only become more apparent the integral role educators play in our lives. Jewish educators provide the foundation for inspiration and tradition for many children and adults. After all, who doesn’t remember their Chagigat Siddur ceremony and mock seder? Funded by the Israeli government and in partnership with the Jewish Agency for Israel and Partnerships for Jewish Schools,
TalentEducators’ mission is to inspire the next generation of Jewish learners to connect to their 
Jewish identity. How do we plan on fulfilling our mission? Recruiting and supporting the best Jewish educators out there.

Founded just under a year ago, TalentEducators is an international organisation with Jerusalem-based CEO Aharoni Carmel and London-based Gemma Peters directing operations in the UK.

Occasionally, in our initial meetings, we encounter the question, “what is TalentEducators doing that others are not?”

The answer is: not much and everything.

Let’s start with what we mean by “not much”. There are excellent institutions in the UK and globally already nobly engaged in different segments of that work.  We are not looking to reinvent the wheel or create new educational institutions, new teacher training programmes, or new mentorship projects. Instead, we are searching for the people who are already doing these things well and partner with those organisations.

Aharoni Carmel

That’s where the “everything” comes in. Although we recruit new talent into education, we are not simply recruiters. Although we match between educators and educational institutions, we are not simply headhunters. Although we help fund educator training programmes, we are not simply funders. Although we offer first-year mentorship, we are not simply mentors. Although we facilitate geographic cohorts of first-year educators, we are not simply facilitators… The list goes on.

We are a one-stop shop with a holistic approach. We are streamlining the process of marketing, recruiting, matching, training and mentoring within Jewish education.

We have connections to multiple key institutions in many fields and are creating a system that flows from one process to another.

This also means that TalentEducators fellows are active members of a global network of institutions and not solely the local or recognised ones. Therefore educators receive bespoke training while schools, integrated nurseries, cheders and charities are introduced to candidates who otherwise would have been outside of their reach.

Gemma Peters

Looking to the future and recognising that many talented people choose other careers owing to financial reasons, we are busy working to provide even more perks to help retain our educators.

Ultimately, TalentEducators is working to attract new talent to the field of Jewish education and to ensure that excellent educators are prepared and supported so they can inspire the next generation… because that’s pretty
much everything.

If you’re an educational institution looking for great educators, reach out to us. If you want to take part in shaping the next generation of Jewish learners, reach out to us too. In our book, that’s pretty much
everything too!