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Your lockdown job search: Key tips to get you ahead of the game

Victoria Sterman (left) of Resource

As the lockdown stretches on, there is no let-up in the number of people having to find new work. At the same time, it’s easy to feel vacancies remain a rarity. And many jobs are not openly advertised. It all adds up to intense competition for those jobs that are available. If you’re looking for work, it’s clear you need all the help you can get.

Here’s the good news: we have got some of that help for you right here.

Jewish News asked Resource, whose team of professional advisers provides practical guidance and support to help members of the Jewish community find and secure work, to lay out their key tips to provide you with an advantage that could just tip the balance your way.

They were keen to stress that, contrary to popular belief, the jobs market hasn’t closed down; indeed, many businesses are open and recruiting. So, they say, in preparation for your job search, it is vital you keep taking good care of yourself. Have a structure for your day, keep fit, eat well and at the end of the day reward yourself with treats, such as a virtual visit to
the theatre.

Develop new skills. You might want to take advantage of online learning. It will keep your mind active while you’re stuck at home, stop you from vegetating and add bonus points to your CV.

Resource points out that networking to locate job opportunities is just as important in this difficult period as it is in normal times. And, with so many ex-colleagues, friends and contacts at home, video get-togethers have made this even more accessible. Why not start the ball rolling by arranging to meet up over a virtual coffee?

Another excellent suggestion from Resource is to consider volunteering. Not only will it keep you active and useful, it will also demonstrate to employers you have initiative and motivation – qualities that will stand you in good stead when the interviewer poses the inevitable question, ‘what have you been doing since 26 March?’

Even in lockdown, it’s well worth making speculative approaches to employers. Even if they’re not hiring immediately while they wait to see how things pan out, they might well be putting plans together for when their business gets going again.

Victoria Shwerman

Use your time at home to update your marketing material, especially your CV.   Ensure it reflects what you are doing in the interim and the skills you have developed.   And don’t be afraid to embrace change.

The world of work, as we have known it, is unlikely to return to exactly how it was, so consider how the role you are seeking could be done differently and how you would manage it.

Above all, take advantage of Resource’s unique one-to-one adviser meetings, seminars and workshop programmes to help you find and nail that job. They are now providing these by Zoom, enabling them to extend their service nationally and work with clients located anywhere in the country. And, as a registered charity, all its services are completely free to clients.


For details, or to make a virtual appointment with an adviser, call Resource on 020 8346 4000, or visit