StandWithUs UK’s Instagram account suspended following attacks by anti-Israeli groups

Social media giant Meta bows to pressure by pro-Palestinian activists amid Israel educational charity's efforts to fight antisemitism and Israel misinformation

Screenshot provided by StandWithUs UK

An Israel educational charity dedicated to fighting antisemitism has had its Instagram account repeatedly suspended over the past seven days following attacks by anti-Israel activists.

StandWithUs UK said the first suspension of the account was on Monday 4th December. Whilst the organisation managed to reinstate it on the same day, another attempt on the account on Wednesday 6th December was successful and lasted for 5 days. It got reinstated, then suspended again on Wednesday 13 December.

StandWithUs UK said no specific reasoning has been provided by Meta, the owners of Instagram, and despite the charity’s appeal, they are still struggling to get the account open.

A spokesperson told Jewish News: “What is happening here is simple; there are people out there trying to silence Jewish voices. StandWithUs UK’s social media content has reached 6 million since 7 October; the popular Instagram account sought to educate people about antisemitism and Israel misinformation which we saw on a steep rise these last 2 months.”

“The account was also used to support and empower Jewish university students across the country who have been on the frontline for Israel’s cause.

“Efforts to shut down StandWithUs UK’s social media activities are not rare nor are they unique. Many popular accounts have been affected by those trying to silence Zionist voices and to hinder their activities. Meta should stand with the side of truth and uphold the tenets of free speech and integrity.”

Click here to find out more about StandWithUs UK.

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