Sweet taste of victory for Leeds J-Soc’s campaign for a kosher campus

Members of the University of Leeds Jewish Society are celebrating their success in spearheading a new kosher food section in the campus canteen.

Major initiatives see kosher sandwiches included in the meal deal, a separate fridge section for meats and cheeses and a dry section with sweets and sauces.

Leeds J-Soc President Mitchell Cohen added, “This has been an incredible first for Leeds Student Union. It is something that all J-Socs should endeavour to provide for Jewish students who want to be able to live a kosher life on campus. This highlights the ease of being a Jewish student at Leeds and shows its continued development to be able to provide for all Jewish students.”

While Jewish groups such as Tribe have long been active in providing Jewish students with kosher lunches and information, the University of Leeds is an all-too-rare example of a campus itself offering food options that conform that to the regulations of Jewish dietary law.

Find more information about Leeds J-Soc at https://www.ujs.org.uk/jsocs/view/261/leeds-university/

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