Team GB’s Junior swimmers make a splash with Hackney Masters

Team GB’s Maccabi junior swimming squad enjoyed a final send-off on Thursday morning when they were invited for a final training session by the Masters swimming Squad at Hackney’s Aquatics Swimming Club.

Taking place at the London Fields Lido 50m outdoor swimming pool, the session gave the youngsters a chance to get a feel for what lies ahead for them in Berlin, for the European Maccabi Games which get underway next week.

Team GB’s junior swimming manager Samantha Russo, who’s also the Masters coach at Hackney Aquatics, said: “I thought I’d give my Masters a run for their money by having my Junior squad join them to get a feel for swimming outside in the fresh air, before heading off for the trip of their life in Berlin.

“They’ve been training hard and it’s been a great pleasure working with the team. As always my Masters, ranging in age from 18-88 provided loads of fun, laughter and gave them a wonderful send off. I’m not saying too much, but Britain’s got talent!!!”

GB’s junior team consists of Ellie Grant (team captain for the girls), Daniel Schindler (team captain for the boys), Rachel Ayrton (carrying the flag), Rebecca Saville, Alex Wilson, Romy Caton-Jones, Peter Lever.

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