Tech That: Grid Studio

Contemporary art made from mobile phones of yesteryear

Regular readers of this column will know that I love pretty much any new tech out there. But what about old tech? That’s where Grid Studio comes in. Grid’s aim is to make beautiful art out of old gadgets from years gone by.

After seeing them all over Instagram and TikTok I had to take a look for myself. The company takes unused iPhones, Android phones and even some Nokia phones, disassembles them and frames them flat, complete with a description of the product and every component within the product. It’s fascinating to see the guts of what goes into a phone, but to display it in such a creative way is genius!

Grid started out with just iPhones but now boasts a solid collection of other disassembled gadgets such as the Google Pixel, Samsung Galaxy S, BlackBerry Bold 9000 and even gaming consoles from Nintendo, Sega and Sony.

The geek in me loves these pieces of art and the collector in me wants them all!


Available from:

From £50 – £326 depending on the product

TikTok @daniel_ _Elias

Instagram @daniel_elias


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