‘Top marks’ for Jewish education leaders

Newly united Reform and Liberal movements hail conference a 'revolution' for the next generation of Progressive young people

Pic: Progressive Judaism

More than 100 Progressive cheder headteachers, rabbis, general teachers and education leaders have come together in a milestone community event.

It was the first joint Reform and Liberal Educators Conference since the two movements announced they would be uniting to form one single Progressive Judaism.

With organisers hailing the event at Edgware and Hendon Reform Synagogue in north London as a ‘revolution in Jewish education’ for a more enlightened future, participants discussed a range of changes necessary to fit the needs of today’s young people.

The conference delivered a range of expert sessions throughout the day from alternative ways to engage with Torah learning, to how to capture students’ imagination through hands-on craft lessons that included creating a chocolate seder for example.

Pic: Progressive Judaism

Alex Gellnick, Liberal Judaism’s director of development and membership and Reform Judaism’s youth and education co-ordinator Elena Ismailova said they were thrilled by how the Conference went: “Everyone who attended will go away with a host of educational ideas. There were opportunities to chat, network, see old friends, and make new ones. And just as importantly we were able to eat lunch together!”

Attendee Alison Turner added: “As someone planning on starting a Cheder looking for ideas to excite and educate children far from a Jewish community, I was enthused and pointed in the direction of much useful material,” she said. “I travelled around 150 miles to be there and it was really worth the effort.”

For more information or to register interest for next year’s conference please email a.gellnick@liberaljudaism.org or EIzmailova@rjuk.org

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