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Voice of the Jewish News
August 31, 2022, 2:56 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: The man who brought Russia in from the cold
Mikhail Gorbachev will be remembered not just as the leader who ended the Cold War — but one who altered Israeli society
Voice of the Jewish News
April 25, 2022, 4:46 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: Relief in France, but it won’t last long
Marine le Pen won more votes in Sunday's election than any far right leader in modern French history. There's plenty to be concerned about.
Voice of the Jewish News
Michael Daventry
February 23, 2022, 2:21 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: It’s been a week of events, dear boy, events
Britain’s toothless sanctions against Russia, as Putin rehang the Iron Curtain, shows we have learned little from the last time a European dictator invaded a peaceful nation.
Richard Ferrer
February 16, 2022, 11:10 am
Voice of the Jewish News: Israel’s diaspora ties demand a new Jewish Agency chief now
It cannot be right that the world's biggest Jewish NGO has been left rudderless because of an opaque appointments process
Voice of the Jewish News
February 5, 2022, 11:28 am
Voice of the Jewish News: Focus must now be on abuse prevention
The Walder affair is forcing Orthodox parents to talk to their children about child sexual abuse, traditionally a taboo topic. This is a good thing.
Jewish News
January 19, 2022, 5:24 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: Whose synagogue will it be tomorrow?
What could have happened in the Texas shul hostage-taking is too awful to imagine, but too awful to ignore. It begs the question: How safe are our Jewish communities?
Richard Ferrer
January 11, 2022, 5:55 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: Poland punished ‘Jewish envoy’ for stating self-evident truth
Jaroslaw Marek Nowak, appointed just six months ago to improve relations with Jewish community, was sacked after telling Jewish News his country’s Holocaust law is ‘stupid’
Voice of the Jewish News
December 24, 2021, 9:34 am
Voice of the Jewish News: Rays of hope amid the Omicron gloom
Although the last 12 months had many low ebbs, there were bright spots, too, and an optimism and confidence in our future
Jewish News
December 9, 2021, 2:50 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: BBC has a serious question to answer
In its passion striving for the very balance which once gave it respect, the BBC overstepped the mark in its reporting of the distressing Chanukah attack - turning victims of antisemitism into racists
Jewish News
December 4, 2021, 4:40 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: Candles kindled across the land
This year’s festival has shone a light on a community held in high esteem. That our contribution to wider British society is admired and respected is beyond doubt.
Jewish News
November 14, 2021, 12:10 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: History has become even harder to tell
Following the worrying survey by claims conference showing most Brits don't know how many were murdered in the Shoah, this week's editorial focuses on challenges for the future
November 6, 2021, 10:33 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: Climate of anger is far off the mark
The Nazis dedicated themselves to destroying the world as we know it and wiping out our future generations. Humanity’s destructive disregard for the very future of life on this planet bears fair comparison. This week's editorial defends Justin Welby's comments
Jewish News
October 23, 2021, 12:25 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: Dragons’ castle
We have long championed interfaith interaction, which is why the JN brought together the Church Times, British Muslim TV and Coexist House to celebrate 21 young interfaith leaders
October 13, 2021, 4:01 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: Sally Rooney should consider miming her next novel
'Reserving dubious ire for just one language out of the 46 her books are read in doesn’t just defy morality but simple common sense'
Richard Ferrer
October 8, 2021, 2:52 pm
Voice of the Jewish News: VBM Day (…victory for Bevis Marks Day)
News this week that planning permission has been rejected for a 48-storey tower block next to this peerless house of prayer comes as a blessed relief.
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