Trusts unite to help students

Three charitable groups have combined to help families apply for higher education courses

Students celebrating graduation

Charitable trusts that help pay for Jewish students to attend higher education courses have combined to make it easier for families to apply.

The Anglo-Jewish Association, Finnart House School Trust and the Jewish Widows and Students Aid Trust have come up with one application form for financial assistance to help families whose access to the internet may be limited.

Students typically have to apply while preparing for their A-levels, so the groups worked together after “recognising the additional burden” and said they hoped their cooperation would help the funding go further to help those with the greatest need.

Union of Jewish Students trustee Carolyn Bogush said: “With the growing costs associated with attending higher education, our group has come together purely in the interest of easing access to funding for Jewish students. We would be delighted to welcome other charities that also provide funding for Jewish students.”

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