UJS reassures Jewish students after turbulent summer

Maggie, Suzy Richman, Joe on the panel

UJS held a pre-University briefing yesterday to address the pressures that the recent Gaza conflict and rise in anti-Semitism have placed on Jewish students returning to campuses next week.

The CST reported 302 anti-Semitic incidents in July 2014, the highest monthly total since records began in 1984.

Over 70 new and returning students and parents attended the meeting at LJCC, which focused on providing advice, reassurance and information to support Jewish students.

Suzy Richman, Maggie Suissa and Joe Vinson address students and parents at the meeting

Two panels discussed concerns and answered questions from the audience, covering measures in place to support students on campus and ways in which students can get involved with shaping opinion.

Making up this first panel, Jonny Newton, Senior Public Affairs at CST, UJS President Ella Rose and Israeli Embassy spokesperson Yiftah Curiel provided an update on Operation Protective Edge and explained the CST’s work on campuses.

In the second panel, Suzy Richman, Chief Operating Officer at University Jewish Chaplaincy and Maggie Suissa, UJS Campaigns Director  covered the support available for Jewish students.

Joe Vinson, Vice President of NUS, discussed the implications of the student body’s recent decision to support the BDS movement, while emphasizing NUS’ commitment to fighting anti-Semitism.

UJS President Ella Rose said: “It was great to see so many parents and students at the event being reassured that the year ahead will be fantastic regardless of potential fall-outs from the summer.”



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