University leaders attend landmark student conference

The conference included speeches from Lord John Mann about the importance of combatting antisemitism

The University of Glasgow’s main building at night. (Wikipedia/Photo by DAVID ILIFF. License: CC BY-SA 3.0 / Via Jewish News.)

Vice-chancellors from around the UK joined attended the UK’s first conference aimed at supporting Jewish students on campus amid rising antisemitism. 

The UJS Supportinf Studmts conference – which was attended by more than 60 student services staff from British universities – included speeches from the governemnt advisor on combatting anti-Jewiwh hate Lord John Mann, and from Professor Gavin Schaffer about modern manifestations of antisemitism. 

The event also featured a panel of Jewish students who shared first-hand about experiences on campus, while CST’s Dave Rich facilitated a number of workshops about complaints and reporting procedures.

Attendees of the conference said the events were “useful and illuminating.”

UJS President Nina Freedman said: “UJS is proud to be leading the way in the fight against antisemitism on all fronts, on behalf of Jewish students. We are raising awareness at all levels of university, including the student support staff who often have a direct impact on student experience.

“We are so pleased to have the support of universities and organisations in this fight and we hope that one day, we can eradicate antisemitism from higher education.”

Lord John Mann added: “This conference is about empowering Jewish students to be free to be themselves in every University. I commend the Union of Jewish Students for their leadership and will continue to support them in all their work.”

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