Welcome to our shul! This week – Enfield and Winchmore Hill Synagogue


Enfield and Winchmore Hill Synagogue


Yitzchok Sufrin who, together with his wife Zipporah, helps to lead the community. (Rabbi Sufrin has served the Highgate synagogue, and was formerly the youth minister for the Cockfosters and New Southgate Synagogue.)

When was it founded?

The synagogue was founded in 1949.

How big is the congregation?

There are around 200 members. Although we are quite a small community, we are a very warm and welcoming one and ensure everybody feels at home. We have a bridge club for older members and as more young families move into the area we will provide facilities to appeal to them.

A visit from former Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

Tell us an interesting fact about your synagogue…

The building housed refugees from Nazi Germany. It was inhabited by Rev. Abraham Lewin, who was the first minister of the synagogue and who took in the refugees. Although the shul building is inside a three-storey house, it has all the facilities of a working synagogue. Safety of the synagogue and our members is the most important thing, so we regularly update our security measures and keep an eye on the upkeep of the building.

Tell us about upcoming events you have planned…

We have an active social committee, and future events include a supper quiz, a barbeque in the summer, a ‘get-together’ brunch and a Tashlich Cruise, which is being supported by the Office of the Chief Rabbi. We also hold lectures throughout the year on a variety of topics. Thanks to the synagogue president, Sidney Hirsh, the community benefits from a beautiful purpose-built succah with a sliding roof, enabling the room to be used all year round.

What are the highlights of your Shabbat morning Kiddush?

We offer a hot cholent Kiddush every Rosh Chodesh, apart from our regular and very popular kiddushim. It is a chance for members of the community to mingle and enjoy a very traditional Shabbat morning atmosphere.

Contact number: 020 8363 2697 Shul website: www.enfieldshul.co.uk

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