New exhibition showcases women pioneers in progressive Judaism

Reform rabbis Julia Neuberger and Jackie Tabick will feature in the new exhibit, showcasing stories of women pioneers

Two British rabbis have helped launch a new online collection of “significant stories in modern Judaism” from the Jewish Women’s Archive.

Reform rabbis Julia Neuberger and Jackie Tabick feature in the Women Rabbis collection, a new exhibit showcasing the stories of the “women pioneers who entered and transformed the rabbinate over the past four decades”.

“The stories these trailblazing women tell, from the obstacles to the amazing communities and practices they have innovated, are moving, honest, and inspiring,” said JWA director Judith Rosenbaum.

“Although the rabbinate has been open to women for only a short period of time, their impact on the profession and on the global Jewish community has been profound.”

JWA partnered Los Angeles-based organisation Story Archive of Women Rabbis (SAWR) to conduct interviews over seven years.

“What began as an idea for a play has grown into the world’s only collection of video interviews with women rabbis, who have radically changed the landscape of Judaism and worship,” said SAWR director Ronda Spinak.

“As soon as we started speaking with them, we realized how rich their narratives are and what a powerful story they have to tell.”

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