
Voice of the Jewish News: Soleimani’s demise and Israel’s security

This week's editorial reflects on the assassination of a top Iranian general, and the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran back in the frame

An aerial view shows mourners attending a funeral ceremony for Gen. Qassem Soleimani and his comrades, who were killed in Iraq in a U.S. drone strike, in the southwestern city of Ahvaz, Iran, Sunday, Jan. 5, 2020. (Morteza Jaberian/Mehr News Agency via AP)

The prospect of a nuclear Iran breathing down Israel’s neck has been thrown back into sharp focus since the assassination of Qasem Soleimani, the puppet master behind the Islamic republic’s malign influence across the Middle East.

His fingerprints are engraved on sickening Iranian state-sponsored murders on foreign soil going back almost 30 years to the 1994 bomb attack on the Israeli Argentine Jewish centre in Buenos Aires.

By the time of his killing, Soleimani had used Iranian sinister influence to pervert the course of conflicts in countries across the region. The ingredients of Iran’s success have been transnational Shia militancy, fighting capability and an ability to confront different enemies on different battlefields simultaneously.

Whether an attack was on the seas, from the air or in cyberspace, Soleimani was never far behind, pulling strings, waving the conductor’s wand, growing as Iran’s sinister extraterritorial influence grew.

Whoever succeeds him will inherit a terrifying strategical blueprint that stretches right across the Middle East to Israel’s front door.

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